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Tip Jar
$3 per month

That jingle-jangle in the jar says, “Keep it up, amateur!” Your tip earns access to members-only messages and posts, plus your name in lights in the end credits!

Name listed in video credits
Members-Only Messages
Members-Only Posts
Buy Me A Drink
$8 per month

Buying me a drink get you access to members-only messages and posts, plus a 10% discount on merch, and of course, your name in lights in the end credits. Cheers to a bigger font size!

Name listed in video credits
10% Merch Discount
Members-Only Messages
Members-Only Posts
Buy Me Lunch
$15 per month

Feeling munificent? For the price of a club sandwich and a bag of chips, you’ll enjoy members-only messages and posts, plus a 15% discount on merch! Of course, your name will be absolutely HUGE in the end credits to reflect your generous support of the channel!

Name listed in video credits
15% Merch Discount
Members-Only Messages
Members-Only Posts